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Are You Ready For Round Two?

The first round of voting in our quest to see whom our visitors will vote “Best Personal FOSS or Linux Blog–2013” has ended. Right now we’re busy checking out all of the blogs that received write-in votes to see which qualify for round two and which do not. We’re estimating that by late afternoon or early evening eastern time in the United States we’ll be ready to announce our line-up for round two.

Round two will be an elimination round from a field of 20 to 25 blogs taken from the results of the poll that just ended. There will be no write-in votes, but voters will still be allowed to vote for up to two blogs.

This will be followed by a third and final round of voting from a field composed of the top ten winners from round one voting. This will be the round that will determine the “FOSS Force Best Personal FOSS or Linux Blog–2013.” In the final round, voters will vote for one blog only.

In both round two and round three voting we will not display vote totals until after voting has finished. This is because we do not want the ongoing totals to affect how people votes. As soon as each poll closes, the totals will be made available automatically by our polling software.

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Again, we’re compiling our list of first round winners and hope to have our round two poll up and running in a few hours time.


  1. Larry Cafiero Larry Cafiero August 12, 2013

    Ready! A lot of great blogs here, so thanks to FOSS Force for hosting this poll and giving them better exposure.

    Larry Cafiero / Larry the Free Software Guy

    PS — Vote for me 🙂

  2. Larry Cafiero Larry Cafiero August 12, 2013

    “but voters will still be allowed to vote for up to two blogs.”

    I was only able to vote for one. The radio buttons don’t seem to mark two votes. Or did I do it wrong?

  3. FOSS Force FOSS Force Post author | August 13, 2013

    It’s not you, it’s us. We had a little configuration problem that’s fixed now. We apologize. Luckily this got caught while the vote count is only at 2. 🙂

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