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April’s Top Ten

These are the ten most read articles on FOSS Force for the month of April, 2014.

1. What Would You Do to Improve Linux? by Ken Starks. Published April 21, 2014. Reglue’s Ken Starks asks readers what they would do to make Linux better if they could. Great comments!

2. Making a Difference the Linux Way by Ken Starks. Published March 31, 2014. Software freedom and Linux is about more than just bringing a better operating system to your PC. It’s also about bringing technology to those who can’t afford it. Oh yes…there’s also the learning experience that’ll help educate the programmers of tomorrow.

3. Ikey Doherty Talks Evolve OS & Budgie Desktop by Ken Starks. Published April 24, 2014. FOSS Force’s Ken Starks has a talk with Ikey Doherty on his latest FOSS project — a new distro and a cool new DE.

4. Open Source Project Brings 11th Century Kannada Verses Online by Pavithra Hanchagaiah, Omshivaprakash H L and Subhashish Panigrahi. Published April 2, 2014. There’s more to open source than great programs for the desktop. This story explains a project that will not only help to bring India’s rich cultural and literary history to the digital age, but which will be an aid to other countries as well.

5. Windows XP, Internet Explorer, Security Bugs, Black Hats & Linux by Christine Hall. Published April 30, 2014. Three weeks after Microsoft shuts down support for Windows XP, a security vulnerability is discovered in Redmond’s browser, Internet Explorer. This is especially worrisome to those still running XP as no security patch will be forthcoming.

6. Microsoft Snoops In Skype, Dissed By HP & More… FOSS Force Staff Report. Published May 24, 2013. Week in Review for week ending May 25, 2013. Subjects covered include Microsoft’s loss of influence and their using Skype as a spy tool.

7. Why Did Linux Mint Ax mintConstructor? by Ken Starks. Published January 29, 2014. Fighting back when a distro suddenly and without warning drops a needed tool.

8. Newbies Guide to Debian 7 – Part Three by Gustav Fridell. Published September 19, 2013. This is the third of a three part series on Debian 7, focusing on the installation of apps.

9. Meeting Windows User Expectations With Linux by Ken Starks. Published March 24, 2014. How to ease the pain when moving a dyed in the wool Windows user from XP to GNU/Linux.

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10. Is Red Hat Working for the NSA? by Christine Hall. Published January 23, 2014. There are some who are convinced that Red Had is secretly working with the NSA by building back doors into RHEL. Ms. Hall thinks not. What do you think?

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