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September’s Top Ten

These are the ten most read articles on FOSS Force for the month of September, 2015.

!. Real Linux Coming to Tablets by Christine Hall. Published September 7, 2015. This month saw the announcement of two impressive tablets, both running versions of Linux. One’s running Sailfish OS from Jolla. The other will run the much anticipated Ubuntu Touch.

2. Booting Windows 10…Out the Door by Ken Starks. Published September 15, 2015. Our irrepressible Mr. Starks finds out a few things that make him angry about Windows 10 and goes on a rant. He’s mad. Really, really mad. We can’t imagine how angry he’d be if he actually used Windows.

3. In the Seed of a Raspberry Is the Future of Linux by Isaac Carter. Published September 22, 2015. Kids are discovering the power of Linux in a most unexpected place — through playing…er, learning…with their Raspberry Pis. And through them, their parents are discovering the joys of desktop Linux.

4. Running Linux Mint 17.2 Xfce by Christine Hall. Published August 31, 2015. A review of the Xfce edition of Linux Mint.2, complete with some nifty screen shots. Spoiler alert: It gets a thumbs up.

5. A Look at Mageia 5’s Magic by Christine Hall. Published June 22, 2015. A review of Mageia’s latest and greatest, which puts the distro in its historical context.

6. The Firefox Is in the Hen House by Christine Hall. Published September 14, 2015. Ads on Firefox? Say it ain’t so! Unfortunately, advertising on our favorite open source browser seems to the the way it’s going to be.

7. Finding Linux & FOSS Where You Least Expect It by Juan Courville. Published September 14, 2015. This tale finds us wandering the streets of Panama City, Panama, and finding open source being used in places where we’d normally find nothing but proprietary software.

8. Being Thoughtful About FOSS History by Larry Cafiero. Published September 23, 2015. Social media pundits are wont to claim that Steve Jobs gets all the credit without the sweat while Dennis Ritchie sweated without getting credit. Not true, says Cafiero…at least the part about Ritchie getting no credit.

9. The Young, the Gifted & the Linux Proficient by Ken Starks. Published September 29, 2015. Mr. Starks give a big nod to Natalia, a super intelligent high school freshman who’s sure to go far…as soon as she figures out where she wants to go.

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10. Is Microsoft Enterprise Mobility a Trojan Horse? by Christine Hall. Published September 3, 2015. Microsoft might “love Linux,” but it still has its eye on reestablishing its empire and taking over the world.

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