Here are the five most read articles on FOSS Force for the week ending February 24, 2023.
Source: Xfce
Xfce 4.18’s Improvements Include Thunar and Under the Hood Changes: When Xfce 4.18 was released in December, many of the desktop environment’s users might not have noticed many changes. That’s because most of the changes were under the hood, and its popular file manager, Thunar, went through a major overhaul.
A Beginners’ Guide for Learning Your Way Around the GNOME Desktop Environment: The Gnome desktop is an excellent choice for new users, although it offers a user experience that’s a little different than the traditional desktop experience. This guide will demystify Gnome, which is essentially an easy-to-use desktop.
KDE Plasma – Full Featured Desktop That’s Surprisingly Easy on Resources: KDE’s Plasma desktop environment, once considered something of a resource hog, has more features than ever and is Linux’s most configurable desktop, yet it’s as easy on resources as relatively lightweight desktops such as Xfce.
Source: FOSSDA
Apache and Mozilla Sponsor Organization to Collect FOSS Oral History: With the generation that founded the free software and FOSS movements rapidly aging, a new group called FOSSDA plans to collect open source’s oral history, straight from the mouths that made it. Funding and infrastructure is already largely in place and work is already being done.