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Deal of the Week — HQST’s Valentine’s Solar Sale With Coupon Codes

Here are a couple of discount codes to save you some money on a DIY solar energy project.

What’s not to like about solar power? Especially when it’s DIY. When you use it, not only are you not burning fossil fuels, which means you’re not contributing to climate change, which is not healthy for children and other living things, you’re also enjoying energy that costs you nothing… at least, after you get the solar equipment paid for.

That last thing — the cost of the equipment, added to the cost of installation — was the main reason why we jumped at the opportunity to take HQST on as an affiliate partner. Not only is this company a low cost leader when it comes to quality solar equipment, most of it’s designed for installation that’s simple enough that folks like us can handle it with no sweat. That means not having to break out the checkbook — or open the Venmo app — to pay somebody to install what’s already paid for.

The nice thing about HQST is that they’re not only inexpensive, they also run frequent sales, which makes them even more affordable. Add to that their affiliate partnership status with FOSS Force — meaning they pay us a commission whenever anyone clinks on a link to their site from our site and then buys something — and buying from them becomes even sweeter, because you get to save on energy costs and help all the critters on the planet (including us humans) by emitting fewer greenhouse gases, and help support the work we do keeping you up-to-date on free and open source software and free tech here at FOSS Force.

As we like to say, that’s not just a win-win situation, it’s a win-win-win thing!

HQST’s Valentine’s Solar Sale

Speaking of those sales that HQST likes to throw — the company’s having one now through Valentine’s Day, which this year falls on a Friday — meaning about a week-and-a-half from when we’re writing this.

During the sale, if you click on any link on our site that goes to HQST (like this one here, or on the ad after this paragraph, or on any of the HQST ads on our site) you’re going to find super low prices on everything from Solar Panels to Charge Controllers to Solar Kits, and more! Not only that, if you buy a single item, you can use the code 5HQST at check-out and get a 5% discount on what was already a super low price. It gets even better: if you buy two or more items, use the code 8HQST for an 8% discount.

And don’t forget: a portion on the money you spend will come back to us, to keep beans on our table and the rent paid so we can continue to keep you informed. Again: win-win-win.

Up to 8% OFF for HQST Valentine's Day

Disclaimer: A portion of all Deal of the Week sales helps support FOSS Force (we already told you that, but government regulators gonna regulate). The products featured do not reflect an endorsement by our editorial team.

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