Did you miss this week’s top articles? Here are the five most read article on FOSS Force for the week that just ended.
Nextcloud Releases Hub 10 to Take on Big Tech: The folks at Nextcloud have upped their game again with this release of Nextcloud Hub 10. Most impressive are the improvements made to the platform’s AI Assistant.
Is OSAID to Blame for OSI’s Latest Election Misstep?: Inquiring minds want to know if a potential candidate’s opposition to OSI’s Open Source AI Definition is the reason it pulled a previously unknown time zone rule out of a magic hat to deny his nomination.
No, LibreOffice Doesn’t Turn 40 This Year, but StarOffice Would if It Were Still Around: It’s like reading the Old Testament: Star Writer begat StarOffice who begat OpenOffice, which begat LibreOffice. All but the standalone version of Star Writer battled with Microsoft’s Office suite in the marketplace arena.
Is Eurostack’s ‘European Alternative’ Too Guided by America’s Vision?: Our European correspondent takes a gander at Eurostack’s “European alternative for digital sovereignty” and finds it surprisingly filled with ideas and solutions that seem to be informed by US interests.
Pichai and Zuckerberg Aren’t Musk, But That Doesn’t Keep Them From Trying: It’s not pretty when Trump’s personality starts to rub off onto tech billionaires who don’t really deserve their wealth, but will pay any price to hold onto it.
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