Did you miss this week’s top articles? Here are the five most read article on FOSS Force for the week that just ended.
With Google Going Bye-Bye, Mozilla’s Evidently Found a New Money Stream… Selling Your Data: Mozilla is using all of the smoke and mirrors it can find to create the illusion it isn’t so, put it appears that the organization is selling your data down river, while continuing to brag about how much it’s protecting your privacy.
Zoë Kooyman on Post-Stallman Changes at the Free Software Foundation: In this, the first of a two part interview, the Free Software Foundation’s executive director Zoë Kooyman talks about changes at FSF since Richard Stallman stepped down as president about six years ago, the difference between “free software” and “open source,” and the issues that AI brings to the table for freedom-loving tech users.
Source: Pixabay Europe Is Going for a Brain Drain Done Right!: Trump has created an opportunity for EU nations to attract the best and the brightest from the US. Our man in Europe gives that notion a thumbs up, while offering some advice for Americans who might be thinking the time might be right to get out of DOGE Dodge.
A Beginners’ Guide for Learning Your Way Around the GNOME Desktop Environment: The Gnome desktop is an excellent choice for new users, although it offers a user experience that’s a little different than the traditional desktop experience. This guide will demystify Gnome, which is essentially an easy-to-use desktop.
Will the Rebirth of Digg Bring About a Small Website Revival?: Remember Digg? The once-upon-a-time go-to site for finding cool things on the internet recommended by an audience of peers? Well, it’s coming back, and owned by one of its original co-founders, along with a co-founder of Reddit.
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