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April’s Top Ten

These are the ten most read articles on FOSS Force for the month of April, 2015.

1. Windows Last Stand by Christine Hall. Published April 6, 2015. Firing up an old computer running XP for the first time in a year. Why? To do taxes.

2. Kicking the Tires on an $89 Symple PC by Christine Hall. Published April 16, 2015. What do you get when you buy an $89 desktop with Ubuntu preinstalled? Hall takes a Symple PC on a test run and says you get more than you might expect.

3. FOSS Is Everywhere, Dell’s New Linux Try & More… by Larry Cafiero. Published April 17, 2015. In this Week in Review, Cafiero looks at the use of FOSS in the enterprise, opines on Dell’s latest Ubuntu laptop and reports on Fedora 22 Alpha.

4. Linux Chromebooks, Securing the Web & More… by Christine Hall. Published April 11, 2015. Evolve OS morphs into Solus, Chromixium readies a genuine Linux distro for Chromebooks and the Linux Foundation’s plans to make SSL certs easy and cheap for all websites.

5. An In-Depth Look at Text-to-Speech in Linux by Ken Starks. Published April 7, 2015. A look at what’s wrong with text to speech in Linux and a call to arms to get it fixed.

6. Five Linux Distros for New Users FOSS Force staff report. Published February 26, 2015. A look at five Ubuntu based Linux distros designed with the new user in mind.

7. Linux in the Old Homestead by Larry Cafiero. Published April 1, 2015. Using Linux at home, and passing the love of free software down through the generations.

8. Why Ubuntu Keeps the Desktop by Christine Hall. Published April 23, 2015. A look at the possible reasons why Canonical hasn’t dropped the Ubuntu desktop to concentrate solely on its enterprise stack as Red Hat and SUSE did long ago.

9. The Short History of OSWALD by Larry Cafiero. Published April 29, 2015. The story of a hand-held computer for students developed by Oregon State University during the first decade of the 21st century.

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10. Microsoft & Education: The Song Remains the Same by Ken Starks. Published April 28, 2015. Starks offers a real life example that illustrates how Redmond’s PR has convinced many that Windows is necessary for a real computer education.

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