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May’s Top Ten

These are the ten most read articles on FOSS Force for the month of April, 2015.

1. Announcing the Birth of Hurd by Christine Hall. Published May 4, 2015. The GNU/Hurd operating system is finally becoming a working reality after 25 years.

2. The Day Linux Crashed by Larry Cafiero. Published May 20, 2015. Did you know that a car once ran in the Indy 500 with a picture of Tux on its nose? Or that our own Ken Starks was instrumental in carrying this off?

3. Five Reasons to Use Linux by Christine Hall. Published May 28, 2015. The next time someone says they don’t understand why you bother with Linux, send them a link to this article.

4. Windows New Clothes by Christine Hall. Published May 20, 2015. There is little that is “new” or “improved” in the upcoming Windows 10.

5. Coders With Bad Attitudes by Ken Starks. Published May 5, 2015. The irrepressible Mr. Starks weaves a tale of trouble in River City open source developerland.

6. Linux Mint Xfce: Moving From Maya to Rebecca by Christine Hall. Published May 26, 2015. Is it worth the trouble to make the move from Maya to Rebecca? According to this, it is — in spades!

7. Portrait of an Everyday Computer Programmer by Ken Starks. Published May 14, 2015. A FOSS Force Interview with Neil Munro, a FOSS developer who’s been working on text to speech applications.

8. A Few Laps With Fedora 22 by Larry Cafiero. Published May 27, 2015. A look at Fedora’s latest and greatest. Cafiero gives you the dope (don’t worry — it’s all legal).

9. Ubuntu & the Windows Subscription Gambit by Christine Hall. Published May 21, 2015. A look at Microsoft’s possible plans going forward and what that might mean for desktop Linux.

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10. Learning Linux: Who’s Teaching Whom? by Ken Starks. Published May 19, 2015. When a teacher takes on a new student, he gets a lesson taught to him in return.

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