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December’s Top Ten

These are the ten most read articles on FOSS Force for the month of December, 2015.

1. Is That Linux? No, It’s PC-BSD by Larry Cafiero. Published December 3, 2015. An encounter at a local coffee house causes a fellow customer to ask, “Is that Linux on your machine?” Nope, it wasn’t, but you know what it was. The title gives it away.

2. Linux Foundation’s Deal With the Devil by Christine Hall. Published December 14, 2015. The Linux Foundation made a deal to help Microsoft offer Linux certifications? Say it ain’t so, Joe.

3. Ubuntu Bugs That Won’t Go Away by Ken Starks. Published December 15, 2015. It’s one think when a bug needs fixing in an operating system. When the bug remains unfixed since 2012, that a whole ‘nother story.

4. Raspbian Levels the Field With Latest Update by Isaac Carter. Published December 16, 2015. Just as soon as it looks like Ubuntu Mate might’ve passed Raspbian in the run-for-the-Raspberry, Raspbian comes from behind to a photo finish.

5. The Devil & BSD: Leaving Linux Behind by Larry Cafiero. Published November 23, 2015. A longtime Linux advocate decides to make the move to BSD.

6. FOSS ‘Age of Empires,’ AMD Goes Open Source & Gaming at SCALE by Hunter Banks. Published December 23, 2015. Our gamer guy reports on some developments in the world of FOSS gaming.

7. Ubuntu’s Magical Abacus, New Linux Releases & Morea… by Christine Hall. Published December 26, 2015. This Week in Review mainly tried to make sense of Canonical’s claim that Ubuntu has a billion users.

8. How Do FOSSers Use Email? FOSS Force staff. Published December 10, 2015. We can’t give you an answer to the question posed by the title because the dog ate our homework.

9. Getting Started With the Raspberry Pi by Isaac Carter. Published December 30, 2015. If you just got your first Raspberry Pi and don’t know what to do with it, this will get you started.

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10. Getting LibreOffice to Do the Write Thing by Ken Starks. Published December 29, 2015. Why it’s difficult for our kids to succeed in school using free and open source software.

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