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February’s Top Ten

These are the ten most read articles on FOSS Force for the month of February, 2016.

1. SourceForge and Slashdot Have Been Sold by Christine Hall. Published January 28, 2015. Our coverage of the sale of Slashdot Media to SourceForge Media includes an interview with the man who is co-owner and president of the company now in charge at two of the best known tech media properties.

2. Judge Says ‘No’ to SCO by Christine Hall. Published February 8, 2016. Guess who was back in the news? Judge Nuffer with the US District Court in Utah gave SCO another day in court and returned a judgement against the bankrupt company.

3. Lumina Desktop Getting Ready for FreeBSD by Larry Cafiero. Published February February 11, 2016. Lead developer for BSD-based Lumina Desktop announces that another step towards the release of a full-fledged desktop environment for BSD and Linux has been achieved with the release of version 0.8.8.

4. FreeBSD, Variants Not Affected by Recent GNU Bug by Larry Cafiero. Published February 18, 2016. Our “BSD Guy” tells us that the glibc security vulnerability that affected Linux in mid-February is “not our circus, not our monkeys,” as far as *BSD is concerned.

5. OMG, Ubuntu Tablet Could Be a Mobile Game Changer by Christine Hall. Published February 8, 2016. Ms. Hall gives a big thumbs up to Ubuntu’s and BQ’s efforts to bring a bona fide GNU/Linux tablet to market.

6. How Well Do You Know the People of FOSS? by FOSS Force staff. Published February 2, 2016. This FOSS Force Quiz seemed to be a little difficult for many of our readers, although a few of you were proud to ace it.

7. Microsoft Kidnaps Windows, Malware Everywhere & More… by Christine Hall. Published February 5, 2016. The Week in Review in which we tell you how Godfather Nadella and his gang of wiseguys are telling all users: “You can upgrade now, or you can upgrade tonight. The choice is yours.” Somehow they’ve been able to avoid saying, “Nice computer. It’d be a shame if something happened to it.”

8. It’s Official! The Raspberry Pi 3 Is Here! by Isaac Carter. Published February 29, 2016. The Raspberry Pi Foundation officially announces the launch of the Raspberry Pi 3, the first Pi to come with built-in wireless capabilities and a 64-bit processor.

9. Manjaro Now Available for Raspberry Pi by Isaac Carter. Published February 17, 2016. Our Pi guy lets us know about yet another Linux distro coming out with a special edition suited for the Raspberry Pi.

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10. Speaking on BSD: The Waiting Is the Hardest Part by Larry Cafiero. Published February 25, 2016. We considered renaming this “Fear and Loathing on the Conference Trail.” The BSD guy waits by the phone for word on whether his speaker’s proposals have been accepted.

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