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April’s Top Ten

These are the ten most read articles on FOSS Force for the month of April, 2016.

1. Five Linux Distros that Break the Mold by Christine Hall. Publixhed April 4, 2016. Do you want to try something completely different? Here are five Linux distros that are most likely different than anything you’ve taken for a spin.

2. DuckDuckGo Wants Answers to Linux Questions by FOSS Force staff. Published April 28, 2016. The search engine that works to protect your privacy is looking for some Linux “Instant Answers” for programmers. Would they like some answers to everyday Linux questions as well?

3. Mozilla a Step Closer to Thunderbird Decision by Christine Hall. Published April 26, 2016. The Mozilla Foundation has hired Simon Phipps to examine and evaluate options for the Thunderbird desktop client, which is seeking a new home.

4. The Best Windows 10 Commercial Ever by FOSS Force staff. Published April 28, 2016. We interrupt this weather report with a very important announcement. Despite our best efforts, your local TV station has not yet upgraded to Windows 10. We warned them that something like this was bound to happen sooner or later.

5. Microsoft’s Becoming the New, but Successful, Novell by Christine Hall. Published April 22, 2016. If there was ever a time to make the distinction between OSS and FOSS, it is now.

6. My Linux Desktop — Hither and Yawn by Ken Starks. Published April 26, 2016. Reflections of a once upon a time everyday Windows user.

7. Maybe It’s Time to Trust Microsoft — Maybe Not by Ken Starks. Published April 5, 2016. In this story, Microsoft is the cunning spider and Linux the intended victim, the fly. Everyone knows how the story begins. ‘Will you walk into my parlour?’ said the Spider to the Fly.

8. Cayenne: IoT Made Easy for the Raspberry Pi by Isaac Carter. Published April 13, 2016. If you want to add ‘Internet of Things’ functions to your home, you can now do so with relative ease using Raspberry Pi and Cayenne, an easy-to-use online service.

9. Teaching New Linux on Old Hardware by Ken Starks. Published April 12, 2016. It seems, according to this, that the customer service offered by Reglue far exceeds that offered by any big box retail outlet — and the clients get preinstalled Linux to boot.

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10. A First Look Tutorial of Newly Open Sourced OpenToonz by Phil Shapiro. Published March 29, 2016. The same 2D animation software that’s used by Studio Ghibli in the making of its feature length anime films is now available as OpenToonz under an open source license.

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