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June’s Top Ten

These are the ten most read articles on FOSS Force for the month of June, 2016.

1. Why I’m Unlikely to Ever Return Microsoft’s Love by Christine Hall. Published June 29, 2016. While the mainstream tech press is ready to embrace “the new Microsoft” as a friend to open source, many who fought in the trenches against the corporate giant will never be able to forgive and forget.

2. Tiny Core Linux 7.1: Big Where It Counts by Jesse Smith. Published June 6, 2016. There’s an old cliché that promises “big things come in small packages.” Our reviewer takes a look at Tiny Core Linux and finds a lot of wallop in its 16MB size.

3. Ubuntu MATE Linux: It’s Not Rocket Science by Robert Glen Fogarty. Published June 16, 2016. The continuing adventures of a new open source tinkerer and his experiences with Ubuntu MATE on a vintage Sony Vaio.

4. The Anatomy of a Linux User by Ken Starks. Published May 31, 2016. Some new GNU/Linux users understand right away that Linux isn’t Windows. Others never quite get it. The best distro designers strive to keep both in mind.

5. SourceForge Seeks a Return to Relevancy by Christine Hall. Published June 20, 2016. The new owners of SourceForge, once the primary code repository for open source projects, work to make good on a promise to restore a reputation that was tarnished by its former owners.

6. Why GNOME 3.X Has Been Good for Linux and FOSS by Christine Hall. Published June 27, 2016. If GNOME hadn’t irked many users when it redesigned its approach to the desktop with GNOME 3, there would be fewer popular desktop environments for Linux.

7. Raspbian Ups Its Game by Isaac Carter. Published June 8, 2016. Our Pi guy takes a look at the latest and greatest release of the Debian based distro Raspbian and finds much to like.

8. Do Sony Vaios Dream of Ubuntu MATE? by Robert Glen Fogarty. Published June 9, 2016. A new open source tinkerer begins his journey with Ubuntu MATE Linux on an ancient laptop with almost the greatest of ease. Almost.

9. Kicking the Tires on Arch Based Antergos by Christine Hall. Published May 30, 2016. We decided to take the Arch Linux based distribution Antergos out for a test drive. Here’s how it handled, out in traffic and on the track.

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10. Anecdotal Comparison of Steam on Linux by Ken Starks. Published June 21, 2016. The word on the street is that gaming on Linux doesn’t work as well as on Brand X. According to our everyday Super Geek, that seems to be just another Microsoft myth.

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