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Shendy: A Low Cost Arsenic Detector for Drinking Water

The vision behind free and open source is software that serves all people on this planet of ours. The project to produce Shendy takes that mandate to heart.

The Video Screening Room

If you are designing life-saving tech to help refugees living in refugee camps, you’re probably not going to design a proprietary product, because doing so would be tantamount to signing the death warrant of a percentage of the refugee camp residents. Open source is how the most number of refugees can be helped. In that vein, learn about an initiative to design a low-cost. open source arsenic detector for use in ensuring safe drinking water in refugee camps.

Read the full background about this project on the project’s Kickstarter page, and back the Kickstarter if you so choose. If open source maximizes the benefits to refugees, doesn’t it also maximizes the benefits to people who are not refugees? That’s a thought worth chewing on.

One Comment

  1. UPS UPS October 12, 2016

    I really, really like this part>
    “that serves all people on this planet of ours”

    Go Linux!!!

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