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March’s Top Ten

These are the ten most read articles on FOSS Force for the month of March, 2017.

Top 10 FOSS Force articles

1. Four Things a New Linux User Should Know by Christine Hall. Published March 27, 2017.When you move from “that other operating system” to Linux, you’re going to find that in most ways you’ll be in familiar territory. However, that’s not always the case. We sometimes do things a little differently around here.

2. WordGrinder: Distraction-Free Writing From the Command Line by Christine Hall. Published March 20, 2017. WordGrinder is an old fashioned command line program that doesn’t try to do a lot of things. Its purpose is to get the job done, and stay out of the user’s way while doing it.

3. Linux Action Show to End Eleven-Year Run at LFNW by Christine Hall. Published March 28, 2017. Six more episodes before the popular Linux podcast, Linux Action Show, ends its nearly 11-year run in a live broadcast from LinuxFest Northwest.

4. No, Evil Hackers Aren’t After You By Robin “Roblimo” Miller. Published March 17, 2017. Humankind has outgrown the need to have monsters hiding under our beds. Now we let them hide in our phones, computers and microwave ovens.

5. FedEx Will Pay You $5 to Install Flash on Your Machine by Christine Hall. Published March 26, 2017. We certainly hope that FedEx shows more concern over the safety of its drivers and pilots than it shows to customers wanting to order printing online.

6. Growing Young FOSS Programmers With Help of Scratch and Al Sweigart by Phil Shapiro. Published March 17, 2017. If your young child is showing an interest in learning computers, an introduction to Scratch and these instructional videos by Al Sweigart might be in order.

7. Kicking the Tires on Arch Based Antergos by Christine Hall. Published May 30, 2016. We decided to take the Arch Linux based distribution Antergos out for a test drive. Here’s how it handled, out in traffic and on the track.

8. In Search of a Linux iTunes Replacement by Robert Glen Fogarty. Published July 21, 2016. Our resident Linux newb goes on the prowl with one thought in mind: To find the best-of-breed FOSS music player for GNU/Linux.

9. Should the U.S. Army Have Its Own Open Source License? by Robin “Roblimo” Miller. Published March 9, 2017. Should the U.S. armed forces begin releasing software under an OSI approved open source license rather than as public domain?

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10. A Down and Dirty Look at Xubuntu 16.04 by Christine Hall. Published May 2, 2016. In our look at Xubuntu 16.04, we find it to be stable, quick and intuitive. It’s a distro that makes our short list of recommendations for those wishing to move from Windows to GNU/Linux.

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