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AlmaLinux Now Has Mailing Lists for Both Users and Devs

AlmaLinux has opened some doors to make it easier for its community to stay in touch with the Linux distribution.

AlmaLinux logo.

The CentOS Linux replacement, AlmaLinux, has leveraged GNU Mailman, FOSS software for managing electronic mail discussion and e-newsletter lists, and MailChannels, to create a slate of email lists for those with interest in the project.

A listing of all the available mailing lists is available on a page on the projects website.

“Many users have requested this to increase accessibility to important information and announcements, and let’s be honest, many of us enjoy the nostalgia of mailing list conversations,” the project said on their website in a statement.

Most useful for AlmaLinux’s user community will probably be the Announce list, with “important notices such as release announcements as well as critical security announcements,” AlmaLinux Users/General, “for general discussion, help, and banter within the community,” and Security, for “important security notices and discussion.”

In addition to the Security list, developers working on the project can access Devel for development discussion and assistance.

There are two lists devoted to mirroring. Mirror is for “assistance regarding mirrors for both users and mirror owners” and Mirror-announce for announcements intended for mirror operators.

“This list is moderated and intended only for the AlmaLinux team to get important information to mirror owners,” AlmaLinux said.

The project also has localized mailing lists for Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Turkish.

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“All mailing lists are publicly archived and available for viewing at Available lists – AlmaLinux List Archives. List archives are also mirrored to The Mail Archive,” the project said. “As always if you need any help join the community chat where a friendly community member will be happy to help!

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