All Things Open 2022 was the conference’s 10th outing, and with Covid waning, things were looked a lot more like normal.
The 2022 All Things Open T-Shirt

All Things Open 2022 was a whopping four-day event, with the Sunday and Monday before the start of the actual conference set aside for registration and two auxiliary events. On Sunday there was again the Inclusion and Diversity “non-conference.” On Monday, a new auxiliary event was added, a Community Leadership Summit, followed by the All Things Open Conference on Tuesday and Wednesday.
This year ATO will again host the Inclusion and Diversity event, as well as the Community Leadership Summit, but returning to the three day schedule of the past, with both of the two auxiliary events taking place on Sunday and All Things Open taking place on Monday and Tuesday.
Year 10 by the Numbers… and More

In 2022, in-person attendance at All Things Open was starting to look more like normal. Although the numbers were not quite those of the last couple of years before the pandemic, they were certainly healthy enough to remove any doubt about the conference’s future. More than 3,600 attended in-person, which was only 500 behind 2017’s attendance — and a whopping 2,600 increase over 2021 when the Pandemic was still much more of a concern.
If the amount of emails we’re seeing in our inboxes from open-source projects that want to hook-up with us at this year’s ATO is any indication, this year’s conference might well be on track to surpass 2019’s numbers and set a new record for the event.
Online numbers were down however. Around 1,800 watched the event virtually, compared to something over 3,800 the previous year.

People at ATO 2022

All Things Open 2023 Opens Sunday
Gin Landers is an intern covering open-source technology for FOSS Force.