Between now and the opening of All Things Open 2023 on October 15, which will begin the conference’s second decade, FOSS Force is each day taking a look at an individual year in ATO’s history. In today’s article we’re looking at All Things Open 2018, which was the conference’s sixth outing.
The 2018 All Things Open T-Shirt

As we’ve mentioned already in this series, with Red Hat’s corporate headquarters being located just blocks away from the Raleigh Convention Center, and with both organizations having had similar views on the importance of open-source ideas, not only as a software development model but as something of a guide for living life and conducting business, it was never a surprise that the two organization ended up working well together.
In hindsight, the close relationship between All Things Open and Red Hat are all important when looking back on the conferences sixth outing in 2018, because this would be the last ATO conference in which Red Hat was a free and independent company. One week after ATO 2018 opened its doors, on the Sunday after the close of that year’s event, Red Hat announced that it had agreed to be purchased by IBM.
Year Six by the Numbers… and More

We would say that All Things Open 2018 was another year for the record books, but how many times can you beat your own record before that merely becomes an expectation instead of news. According to the organization’s records, there were more than 4,100 registrations for the event, meaning they were again up by 900 registrations year-over-year.
There was also a big first that year. They added a third day, mainly to accommodate a stand-alone Inclusion and Diversity event but which also served as a registration day for the main event, which took some of the pressure off of Monday morning. As an added incentive to get people to arrive a day early to take part in the stand-alone event, register, and maybe take some time to explore the uniqueness of downtown Raleigh, the event added another social at the popular Jimmy V’s watering hole located just a couple of short blocks from the convention center.

People at ATO 2018

All Things Open 2023 Opens Sunday
All Things Open 2023 opens this Sunday at the Raleigh Convention Center in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina, which it has been its home since it started in 2013. The schedule for this year’s event is available online. If you’re interested in attending, you can get information on prices (it’s extremely reasonable) and register here.
Gin Landers is an intern covering open-source technology for FOSS Force.