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More ATO Sessions Available Online; December RTP Meetup Speaker Announced; ATO AI Call for Papers

Additional sessions from this year’s conference are now available on All Things Open’s YouTube Channel, and December’s Meetup will feature a Red Hatter who’ll talk about AI.

Kelly Vaughn giving keynote at ATO 2024.
Kelly Vaughn, director of engineering at Spot AI, giving a keynote address on effective LinkedIn profiles at All Things Open 2024. | Source: FOSS Force

It’s hard to believe that it’s been three weeks since All Things Open 2024 said goodbye for this year — although there is still a free ATO Meetup scheduled for December 3.

However, ATO 2024 doesn’t have to be over yet, unless that’s what you want. The ATO folks have been busy posting videos of conference sessions online.

That’s great for a couple of reasons. For instance, if you went to this year’s conference it’s almost a given that you missed more than a few presentations you would’ve liked to have attended, but there was another presentation during that hour that you wanted or needed to attend more.

There are also probably plenty of people reading this who would’ve liked to have attended this year’s event, but for one reason or another didn’t make it. Maybe they didn’t know about it until after it was over, maybe the boss wouldn’t let them off for the two days it was happening, or maybe North Carolina was just too far away.

If you’re in the first group — the ones who went but didn’t get to see everything you wanted to see — then maybe, just maybe, some the sessions you wanted to attend are now available online, or are soon going to be.

And if you’re in the second group — those folks who didn’t get to go at all — then a whole bunch of the conference you didn’t attend is available for you to enjoy… “from the comfort of you home” is how they often put it.

What’s Available and What’s Not

The keynotes from both days, as well as the entirety of the co-located Inclusion & Diversity event, became available about two weeks ago — which we already told you about. On Tuesday, the organization announced that it’s posted videos of the presentations that took place in this year’s Case Study/Demo 1 and Case Study/Demo 2 tracks.

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This should mean that pretty soon we’ll be getting a notification about the availability of the presentations that took place in the big ballrooms, which is where the tracks DevOps, Developer 1, and Machine Learning/AI 1 took place. Unless I’m wrong (which is a distinct possibility), those are the only recorded sessions that aren’t available yet.

The videos that are already up can be browsed and watched on All Things Open‘s YouTube channel. The one’s that aren’t available yet will be available at the same location when they go up. As one TV pundit says, watch this space. We’ll let you know.

December ATO Meetup & ATO AI CFP

This week we also learned — a little on the late side –that Burr Sutter be the speaker at the last ATO Meetup of the year, which will happen on December 3. Sutter is the director of developer experience at Red Hat and he’ll be giving a talk called Enterprise AI: Models VS Code. Like all ATO Meetups, this one will cost you nothing to attend, but you do need to RSVP.

It’s kind of fitting that Sutter’s subject will be AI, since ATO will be all about AI in March when in launches its newest major conference, All Things Open AI. We now know that day one of this new conference will consist of three all-day workshops that will be reasonably priced, but still something of an investment for anyone whose employer isn’t footing the bill and therefore will be paying out of pocket. The second day will be a traditional conference day with sessions across three tracks. The pricing for the second day will be much lower, more in keeping with the pricing that ATO is known for.

The good news is that from November 29 (Black Friday) until December 6 ATO AI will be running a Super Early Bird Special in which the cost of workshops and admission to the day of traditional sessions will be available at super low prices. Read more here. (Super Early Bird prices will also be in effect from November 29-December 21 for ATO’s main October event.)

ATO AI is also looking for some speakers to fill slots during the conference’s second day. The Call for Papers opened on November 12 and will close on December 6. If your talk is accepted, you’ll be notified on December 13. All the information you need is included on ATO AI CFP webpage.

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