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Welcome to Our New Member Community

I’d like to start off by welcoming new members to our also new FOSS Force community membership program. We are grateful for the support you’ve already shown for FOSS Force by joining us as a member, and we’re eagerly anticipating the time when our membership grows to the point where we can begin working in earnest to build what is now primarily a simple membership program into a viable community. What direction will that community go? At this point, it would be premature to even hazard a guess. Much of that will be up to you.

[yop_poll id=”5″]

As the program begins to take baby steps, we who run FOSS Force are just going to settle back and listen to you. There’s only a few members as we get started, so it’s going to be slow around here at first. That’s good. During this time when there are fewer of you than there will be, each of you has a larger voice.

So we’re seeking your input.

We’ve put a poll on this page to get your thoughts on what you’d like to see from FOSS Force — not as a member but as a regular visitor to our site, because FOSS Force’s real strength will always be through the value we offer to those who visit and read our site daily, folks who might never see the value of supporting us by taking out membership and becoming a part of who we are on a deeper level. The membership community we are building isn’t so that we — you and I — can hold ourselves separate and be part of some elite group — that’s far from what FOSS Force is about. It’s to give us an added inner strength, and a new metric of guidance, as we continue to build on what we already do.

Please take our poll, and then at your convenience, tell us in the comments section below about your ideas of the things we can do with this membership program as we move forward. All of us at FOSS Force will be doing more than just listening to you — we’ll be joining the dialog.

There’s one thing that’s a certainty. As we go forward, we at FOSS Force will continue to piss you off sometimes, just as we’ll continue to do things that motivate you to give us the high five or maybe even enlighten you about a thing or two. That’s a given. It’s the same with your brothers, sisters, parents, boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands and wives. That’s the nature of family. That’s the nature of community. As long as we listen to each other and keep the lines of dialog open, everything will be fine.

Once again, welcome to our family. Let us know how we can serve each other.

One Comment

  1. UncleEd UncleEd February 4, 2016

    Guess I’m stuck–or not providing with info useful for discrimination. You picked good options in the list and I like all of them.

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