Mozilla is evidently selling your data down river, while continuing to brag about how much it's protecting your privacy.
Posts published in “Business”
Fleet says they'll design your new data center for you, build it according to your design, or have their engineers sit down with your engineers to design it together.
What percentage of the workforce in your state are IT Professionals? How many people per square mile work in tech? Where does your state rank?
TuxCare has partnered with UK-based Cloudimg, to bring its customers TuxCare Endless Lifecycle Support for keeping end-of-life Linux distributions supported.
'Rocky Linux from CIQ' is Rocky Linux with a commercial entity to stand behind the open source product for enterprises that need that.
For the next five years, Microsoft will be under the watchful eye of Germany’s Federal Cartel Office, which will be seeking to thwart any monopolistic activity coming from Redmond proactively.
Samba -- once considered essential for desktop Linux users and which is still an essential part of enterprise operations -- is getting a big security makeover.
Natron Energy's sodium-ion batteries are non-flammable and have more energy density than lithium-ion batteries. Right now, they're primarily being used as emergency backup in data centers, but expect to see them powering EVs soon.
If allowed to go into effect, the FTC's rule banning non-compete "agreements" are expected to increase worker earnings by $488 billion over the next decade.
What Microsoft’s Borking of Grub Says About Redmond’s ‘Love’ of Linux
Business, Commentary and Operating Systems
Windows might not rule the day at Microsoft anymore, but it's still a moneymaker and desktop Linux is still the competition.