SCALE 14X Thursday
One of the drawbacks of having to work a show like SCALE is that I don’t get to go to enough sessions while I’m here. As the traffic cop at the intersection of old and new media, it’s my job to marshal the publicity team’s forces into taking the information happening at the show and then processing it for the wider public consumption.
Shuttleworth’s keynote kicked off a busier-than-expected day at SCALE 14X. Sessions on Thursday throughout UbuCon and the rest of SCALE 14X seemed to have more than adequate attendance, especially in the larger rooms at the Pasadena Convention Center. In fact, the Chef Training was standing room only, and some of the attendees had to be turned away.
One of the great things about working a show like this is that you get to see a lot of people who, invariably, you get to see every few months or so if you’re caught in the Deadhead-like, road-goes-on-forever-and-the-party-never-ends cycle of attending Linux and FOSS events. There were many folks to catch up with in the crowd of SCALE 14X attendees that are always speaking or organizing or reporting on or even just attending the events.
LOOKING AHEAD TO FRIDAY: Today, SCALE 14X shifts into another gear, with the opening keynote of Cory Doctorow at 9 a.m. Doctorow, a celebrated science-fiction writer and digital freedom warrior, will be talking about “No Matter Who’s Winning the War on General Purpose Computing, You’re Losing.” Day two of UbuCon and the PostgreSQL Days continues, as well as the introduction of the SCALE 14X Legal Track — with open source becoming so prevalent in society, lawyers need to keep up with trends and SCALE is there to help.
The exhibit hall — 143 vendors all ready to display their wares — will open at 2, and the evening winds down with UpSCALE Talks — rebranded Ignite talks where speakers have preset slides at 20-second intervals and speakers have five minutes to keep up — and Bad Voltage Live wraps things up with its ribald live performance.
More to follow tomorrow. Watch this space.
We’re currently in the midst of our 2016 Indiegogo fundraising drive. Your support is crucial. Won’t you please visit our fundraising page and make a contribution to support FOSS Force?
Hey guys and gals, we’ve got the coolest perk ever for our Indiegogo campaign, and we’re sharing it with you here in the comments section before announcing it on our front page. We’ve heard from you that getting through the captcha when you’re making a comment can sometimes be a pain. Well, now you’ll be able to post comments to our articles simply by typing your comment and clicking “Post Comment.” No captcha or filling in the email text box when you want to make a comment — and you’ll be able to edit your comments after you post them as well, just in case you made a typo.
Our “Frequent Commenters Membership,” available through our Indiegogo fundraiser, gets you your own account on FOSS Force. You login to your account and all of your commenting is captcha free — and the post will automatically go up using the username you give us when we set-up your account. In addition, after we get ten or so of you signed up, each week we’ll offer a discussion topic which will only be available to logged-in members. And down the road, we have even more ideas we might implement.
The memberships are available for a $25 contribution to our Indiegogo fundraising campaign. This is just one way we’ve come up with to say thank you for your support. To claim your membership, just go to our Indiegogo page now and make your contribution!
Oh, and whether you make a contribution or not, thank you for being a part of FOSS Force. 🙂
Touch ’em all Larry, touch ’em all. Great coverage and I will someday pull up my big boy pants and get to SCALE. Right now I’m working on just getting to work on time.
Looking forward to your continuing coverage of this show. Hopefully, I’ll find a way to see you sometime this year.
And introducing Mark Shuttleworth? Wow….uh, I’d do a cannonball run there and back here just to see that.
Thanks for your great work Larry. This was a fun article.
Cory Doctorow is well worth seeing.
With the Linux Foundation dumping all remaining pretense of community involvement and revealing their corporate agenda Mr. Doctorow’s warnings are more relevant than ever.