FOSS Week in Review
What could be a better combination than one of the world’s foremost digital freedom advocates and Cards Against Humanity? Read on.
Cory Doctorow at SCALE 14X: While the Call for Presentations for SCALE 14X is ongoing and closes in two weeks — on Friday, Oct. 30, at midnight Pacific, so at 12:01 a.m. on Saturday morning the 31st, your unsubmitted proposal turns into a pumpkin — the SCALE team has announced it has chosen one of the keynoters for the four-day, first-of-the-year Linux/FOSS event.
Doctorow kicks off the Friday edition of SCALE 14X at 9 a.m. on Jan. 22 with the topic, “No Matter Who’s Winning the War on General Purpose Computing, You’re Losing.” The keynote will be given at the new SCALE venue, which is the Pasadena Convention Center.
Meanwhile, you want to say that you’ve given a talk at the same conference as Cory Doctorow, right? Right? So get those proposals in by midnight on Oct. 30. The guidelines for the SCALE 14X CFP can be found here.
Linux Version of CAH: That Bryan Lunduke…you’d think he’d be happy enough to tell us that Linux Sucks™, but no. He’s gone ahead and given us a FOSS/Linux version of Cards Against Humanity, according to Softpedia (who calls him “Brian” in the story).
“Shouldn’t something like this also be released as Free and Open Source?” Lunduke is quoted in the article “These cards may not be software…but considering they’re about Linux…wouldn’t it feel weird if they were ‘closed’?”
Yes, absolutely. So this version is released under the same Creative Commons license as the game itself.
Bravo, Brian…I mean, Bryan.
See you Monday.
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