Not only is Moodle an equivalent to Blackboard, many claim it to be superior. Also, it’s free, while Blackboard is very expensive.
The Video Screening Room
Moodle is a very popular course-management system, equivalent to Blackboard, but entirely free and open source. This short YouTube video by Moodle expert Nellie Deutsch explains how you can install Moodle in your cPanel with Softaculous in under 2 minutes.
Moodle is also available in a mobile version. I can’t wait to see which public libraries latch onto Moodle to deliver learning in their communities. You’ve heard that libraries are getting more involved in teaching, haven’t you? In this digital age, constant learning is the differentiator between individuals and between communities.
For the past 10 years, Phil has been working at a public library in the Washington D.C.-area, helping youth and adults use the 28 public Linux stations the library offers seven days a week. He also writes for MAKE magazine, and TechSoup Libraries. Suggest videos by contacting Phil on Twitter or at