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ATO Focuses on AI Ahead of the Launch of New Big Tent Event

With All Thing Open set to launch a new major AI event in March, it’s no surprised that the monthly Meetup’s are AI-focused.

Between now and March 17, which is when the doors will open on All Thing’s Opens new big tent AI event, the ATO organization might look more AI than open-source software. Between now an then, it appears that the North Carolina-based company is flexing — some might say advertising — its open source AI muscles by loading all of its free monthly Meetups with AI speakers and subjects.

And why not? For at least a couple of years now, AI has been the keyword that rules the tech world, even in open source communities, which are still trying to figure out exactly what open source AI looks like. This would make AI an appropriate subject for the Meetups even if a lot of money wasn’t on the table to launch what ATO is certainly hoping will become an annual event.

There’s certainly a need for AI-focused events, both on local and international levels, given that even those engineering AI software don’t seem to fully understand the technology — and that goes double or triple for the pool of developers waiting for AI jobs.

First up on ATO’s Meetup schedule is Spacewalk, which is scheduled to take place on Saturday, January 25. Traditionally, January is perhaps ATO’s most important Meetup (and the only one that gets a name other than “Meetup”), because being the first of the year makes it the one that gets to set the tone for the year for everything that follows from the ATO camp.

This year AI is front and center at Spacewalk, which will consist of a panel discussion called The Future of AI and What You Need to Pay Attention To in 2025. The panel for this one still hasn’t been announced, but organizers say it’ll be “a panel of AI experts,” which I guess is good to know. The panel’s being put together by Mark Hinkle, who will moderate the discussion and who’s the primary mover behind the new ATOAI event in March.

We’ll let you know through Spacewalk’s calendar listing as soon as we have more information about the panel.

Just this week it was announced that Feburary’s Meetup will be a talk on GenAI by John Willis, who’s probably most well known for authoring Deming’s Journey to Profound Knowledge and The DevOps Handbook. In the past he’s spent time working for the likes of Red Hat, SJ Technologies, and Docker. In addition, he publishes a free weekly newsletter called Profound, which applies “W. Edwards Deming’s ideas in the digital transformation era.”

Again, watch this Meetup’s “FOSS Force calendar listing for updates.

So far the Meetup for March hasn’t been announced yet, but when it is it wouldn’t be a surprise if it’s scheduled to happen before March 17 to lead into All Things Open AI’s launch. If so, you can bet it’ll also be a talk on AI. Maybe no, but that’s what I’m expecting.

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