As OSI attempts to do damage control on social media without admitting that it made a mistake that needs to be rectified, more evidence surfaces indicating that the organization might be trying to change facts after the fact.
Posts published by “Christine Hall”
Christine Hall has been a journalist since 1971. In 2001, she began writing a weekly consumer computer column and started covering Linux and FOSS in 2002 after making the switch to GNU/Linux. Follow her on Twitter: @BrideOfLinux
Remember the classic headline from the 1970s: "Ford to city -- drop dead"? Well, this is how it looks, transcribed to open source in the 21st century. It's a different scale, but…
Inquiring minds want to know if a potential candidate's opposition to OSI's Open Source AI Definition is the reason it pulled a previously unknown time zone rule out of a magic hat to deny his nomination.
It's not pretty when Trump's personality starts to rub off onto tech billionaires who don't really deserve their wealth, but will pay any price to hold onto it.
It's like reading the Old Testament: Star Writer begat StarOffice who begat OpenOffice, which begat LibreOffice. All but the standalone version of Star Writer battled with Microsoft's Office suite in the marketplace arena.
Any article about Serpent OS or Solus OS (or now, AerynOS), is first and foremost an article about Ikey Doherty.
"We thought it would be interesting to ask OpenAI’s ChatGPT how much it thinks its parent organization should be worth."
The university expects that when it's operational it'll be one of the top performing academic supercomputers on the planet.
Mirantis is calling this, "the first open-source Distributed Container Management Environment," with "distributed" being the key word.
Do you know of a person or a project that you think should be recognized for their contribution to open source or free software? Why don't you nominate them for a Free Software Award?
Users who take advantage of the new DISA STIG can give their AlmaLinux servers military-grade hardening.