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Posts published in “News Analysis”

More Data Centers Are Lowering Their Environmental Impact as a Side Effect of Liquid Cooling

According to Dell'Oro's report, CoolIT Systems, Boyd, and Motivair were the top three earners in the Data Center Liquid Cooling arena in 2023.

How SUSE Is Replacing Red Hat as the Linux and Open Source Enterprise Standard-Bearer

It's become clear to many that Red Hat's recent missteps with CentOS and the availability of RHEL source code indicate that it's fallen from its respected place as "the open organization." SUSE seems to be poised to benefit from Red Hat's errors. We connect the dots.

Poof! Shaman Holly Million, Gnome’s Executive Director Disappears on July 31

Professional shaman Holly Million, who became Gnome's executive director in October, has evidently participated in a banishing ritual and will disappear from Gnome at the end of this month.

Free Software Pioneer and Activist John Gilmore Is Among Three New Board Members at FSF

The Free Software Foundation might be getting itself back on track as the radical watchdog for copyleft and free software with the appointment of free software activist and pioneer John Gilmore to its board of directors.

No Need to Move From CentOS 7 by June 30 If You Have Aftermarket Support

Although Sunday will be the last day that CentOS 7 will be officially supported, you don't have to move to something else right away. There are plenty of support services you can use to keep your workloads safe and secure until you're ready to migrate.

How Nginx Went From Being the Little Engine That Could to Become the Fork of the Day

On Valentine's day a developer for the popular open-source web server platform Nginx announced a fork of the project to create FreeNginx. Here's what you need to know about the fork, and what it means to the future of Nginx.

Is Mozilla’s Mitchell Baker Getting Out While the Getting’s Good?

Last week Mozilla's $7 million dollar CEO Mitchell Baker announced that she was stepping away from the C-suite, although she'll remain onboard as chairperson of both Mozilla Foundation and Mozilla Corporation.

AlmaLinux Becomes More Than Just Another RHEL Clone With 9.3 Release

For the first time in its three year's of existence, AlmaLinux didn't release its new version within hours of a new RHEL release. That's because AlmaLinux is no longer just a copy and paste RHEL clone.

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