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FOSS Force
As Red Hat's reputation as an example to the corporate world on how to do open-source right fades, will SUSE's new CEO, Dirk-Peter van Leeuwen, pick up the mantle?
Just because his name is Carlos Santana doesn't mean it's the Santana you've been listening to for all of your life...but it might be if you're an open-sourcer.
The New York Stock Exchange doesn't like it when your stock dips below a dollar.
After spending eight years as a Linux Containers project, Canonical says it wants to bring the project back home to Ubuntu.
Now you can build your own computer using the same chassis and cooling technology that System76 uses in their popular Thelio line of desktops.
LibreOffice 7.5.3 offers improved compatibility with MS Office, as well as numerous minor improvements throughout the suite.