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FOSS Force

System 76 Adds Three…Count ’em, Three…New Linux Laptops

System76 is already taking orders for two of the three new laptops it announced on Thursday, with the third expected to be ready for prime time within a few months. These are in addition to two other new laptops the company has already released since February.

Ubuntu 23.04 ‘Lunar Lobster’ Desktop Released: Focuses on Enterprises and Everyday Linux Users

Ubuntu 23.04 not only brings many new features to the table for enterprise users, it has plenty of features to please its home-user base as well.

What Does Linux Have in Common With ‘The Barrel of Rock’?

Much like Linux had trouble gaining users back in the day because the general public didn't know about it, independent online radio stations like The Barrel of Rock are having trouble finding an audience because potential listeners can't wade through tens of thousands of music radio stations to find them.

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