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FOSS Force

Final Round Voting Begins in FOSS Force ‘Favorite Desktop Environment’ Poll

Eliminated in the first round of voting were Deepin Desktop Environment and Budgie, replaced by two popular window managers that received more write-in votes. Voting in the final round has already begun, and will remain open until 6 pm EST on Tuesday, February 21.

A Beginners’ Guide for Learning Your Way Around the GNOME Desktop Environment

The Gnome desktop is an excellent choice for new users, although it offers a user experience that's a little different than the traditional desktop experience. This guide will demystify Gnome, which is essentially an easy-to-use desktop.

KDE Plasma: Full Featured Desktop That’s Surprisingly Easy on Resources

KDE's Plasma desktop environment, once considered something of a resource hog, has more features than ever and is Linux's most configurable desktop, yet it's as easy on resources as relatively lightweight desktops such as Xfce..

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