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July’s Top Ten

These are the ten most read articles on FOSS Force for the month of July, 2016.

1. The Windows Zealot by Ken Starks. Published July 5, 2016. “Linux is a failed experiment,” she spit. “It has no business even existing in the tech world and I am fully capable of recovering any important files myself. I do not need your help.”

2. Our First Look at Linux Mint 18 Cinnamon by Christine Hall. Published July 25, 2016. Nearly a month after the release of Linux Mint 18 “Sarah,” we decided to take it for a spin and have our first ever look at the Cinnamon desktop.

3. LibreOffice and Nextcloud: It’s Almost Deja vu All Over Again by Christine Hall. Published July 6, 2016. It’s easy to be tempted to draw a parallel between the recent fork of ownCloud by Nextcloud and The Document Foundation’s fork of OpenOffice six years ago. Slight differences are there, but they’re probably meaningless.

4. In Search of a Linux iTunes Replacement by Robert Glen Fogarty. Published July 21, 2016. Our resident Linux newb goes on the prowl with one thought in mind: To find the best-of-breed FOSS music player for GNU/Linux.

5.Four Alternatives to Raspbian and Ubuntu MATE by Isaac Carter. Published July 20, 2016. While Raspbian and Ubuntu MATE remain the go-to distros for many Raspberry Pi users, our Pi guy reminds us that there are others, and offers us a look at four alternatives.

6. Needed: A Linux Three in One Distro by Christine Hall. Published July 4, 2016. If FOSS is to have a future, we must embrace both mobile and the Chromebook model and develop a distro that’s equally at home on a phone, a low resource cloud based computer and on a traditional PC.

7. OnlyOffice: A FOSS Office Suite for the Cloud by Tatiana Kochedykova. Published July 13, 2016. If you’re looking for a free and open source replacement for the convenience and functionality offered by the likes of Google Docs and Office 365, you might want to take a look at OnlyOffice.

8. Microsoft Isn’t Going Away Any Time Soon by Christine Hall. Published July 20, 2016. Microsoft’s latest financials show the company to be healthy, and not likely to quit being a thorn in FOSS’s side for the foreseeable future.

9. Is 32-bit Nearing End-of-Life at Some Linux Distros? by Christine Hall. Published July 11, 2016. At least three Linux distros have already quit releasing 32-bit versions, and Ubuntu seems to be standing in line to do the same. Is the end at hand for 32-bit mainstream distros?

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10. June Another Great Month for the Raspberry Pi by Isaac Carter. Published July 6, 2016. Among other things, our Pi guy looks at the newest addition to the MagPi Essentials collection, Dave Akerman and a Raspberry Pi breaking a lofty record, and Tim Peake returning from space while leaving his Astro Pis in orbit.

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