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Posts published in “News Analysis”

Ubuntu 23.04 ‘Lunar Lobster’ Desktop Released: Focuses on Enterprises and Everyday Linux Users

Ubuntu 23.04 not only brings many new features to the table for enterprise users, it has plenty of features to please its home-user base as well.

Why It Was Important to Translate Linux Foundation Training Manuals to Ukrainian

The software industry plays a large role in Ukraine's economy, with many Ukrainian developers working remotely from Ukraine for software vendors located in the EU, UK, and US. Training manuals in the Ukrainian language will help veterans of Ukraine's military struggles against Russia take advantage of this opportunity.

Will New CEO Dirk-Peter van Leeuwen Bring ‘Open Source Way’ Magic to SUSE?

As Red Hat slowly loses its open culture under IBM's ownership, SUSE might be set to finally become an important global open-source player, but only if its board allows the former Red Hatter who will take the helm on May 2 to bring "the open source way" to a secretive and "top-down" corporate culture.

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