This spring, the Linux kernel will begin supporting the "Copilot key" which Microsoft added to Windows machines about a year ago.
Posts published in “Operating Systems”
GhostBSD Has Scheduled an Online Conference Focused on Desktop BSD
Desktop use of BSD operating systems will take center stage on March 29, with the launch of GhostBSDCon 2025.
Red Hat In-Vehicle Linux Gets Closer to Go With New Certification
The company says that the new functional safety certification for Red Hat In-Vehicle Operating System is a key step in its push towards ISO 26262 ASIL-B certification of the entire platform.
Germany’s Sovereign Tech Fund Puts Over $750K Into FreeBSD Infrastructure Projects
The FreeBSD Foundation will organize and manage the projects that STF is funding, which mainly focuses on security.
The Unintended Consequences Linux’s Wayland Adoption Will Have on BSD
Does Wayland becoming the defacto standard display server for Linux serve to marginalize BSD?
Still On CentOS 6? ELevate Can Now Lift and Shift You to a Modern RHEL Clone
If you're still running CentOS 6, you know for a fact that you need to get to another operating system pronto. The folks CloudLinux/AlmaLinux know this, and have made changes to their open-source lift-and-shift tool, ELevate, so that you can now easily move from CentOS 6 to land on the latest version of just about any RHEL look-alike that you want.
Wowie Zowie! Desktop Linux Use Worldwide Goes Above 4% Says Statcounter
An article in which we ponder desktop Linux's rising usage numbers, and debate ChromeOS's status as a Linux operating system.
Laptop Power Management Issues Still Bug Linux
Sometimes Linux drains battery life for no good reason, which shouldn't be confused with "The Linux way."
FOSS Week In Review: ‘Maddog’ on Red Hat, Cooking With Mint, Linux’s Big Mac Attack & more…
In this week's news roundup, our Christine Hall tells you what she thinks has gone wrong at Red Hat, and again tries to wrestle Elon Musk to the floor. In between, she covers some more of this week's FOSS news.
Fedora Partners With Asahi to Port Linux to Apple’s Arm Silicon
With Red Hat helping Asahi Linux develop software for porting Linux to run on Apple's Arm silicon, how long before Red Hat Enterprise Linux supports Apple hardware?
What Microsoft’s Borking of Grub Says About Redmond’s ‘Love’ of Linux
Business, Commentary and Operating Systems
Windows might not rule the day at Microsoft anymore, but it's still a moneymaker and desktop Linux is still the competition.