Here are some resolutions that Google might consider making for 2025. The problem addressed in the fifth point particularly irks us when we're doing research here at FOSS Force.
Posts published in “Commentary”
An article in which our writer takes the competition to task for using the term "open source" in the headline to an article about "fauxpen source."
The Apache Software Foundation is making changes in an attempt to right a wrong it unintentionally created when it adopted its name 25-years ago.
In which our heroine learns to park the heads on a Kaypro "portable," experiences word processing on a dumb terminal, and figures out how to keep her IBM XT from being rude to her.
How to Tell a Really Smart Home From a Not-So-Smart Home That Only Thinks It’s Smart
AI and Commentary
To get Nixon, "Deep Throat" advised Woodward and Bernstein to "follow the money." To "get" this article, written by the latest addition to the FOSS Force team, we suggest that you follow the links. You'll be glad you did.