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Posts published in “Site News”

So Far, So Good for Ken Starks After Surgery

As many of you know, my friend and irrepressible FOSS Force writer Ken Starks has been waiting for a date with his surgeon for the last month or so. He had his surgery today and so far the news is good. I just received the good news from Ken’s friend Ed Matthews, who also posted the contents of the email he sent me in the comments section of Ken’s latest article on FOSS Force.

According to Ed:

9:00 PM. Diane called me and said the surgery went essentially as expected. I believe she said the surgery was “over” about 4:30 and that he didn’t wake up in the recovery room. He is still doing heavy medication (Diane says he’s probably chasing young cowgirls in his dreams) and she was pleased he opened his eyes for a moment when they let her in to see him.

He will be going to Intensive Care in a little while and go to a room sometime Thursday.

Are You Going Conferencing?

This year, we at FOSS Force are expanding our coverage of Linux, FOSS and OSS conferences. This got us wondering, in a self serving sort of way, how many of you regularly attend conferences?

At this point, it’s looking as if we’ll have boots on the ground at three conferences, all scheduled for late October. In fact, we’re already hard at work coordinating our efforts to cover these events.

All Things Open

First up will be our coverage of All Things Open (ATO), a two day conference to be held on October 22 and 23, which will be covered by Christine Hall. Last year, you might remember, we got our feet wet with Hall’s coverage of the inaugural bow of ATO. Hall says that last year was her first try at conference coverage, that she learned quite a bit and that this year’s coverage will be even better.

The Return of a Legend in Her Own Mind

Maybe you didn’t notice, but I’ve been MIA here at FOSS Force for some time – since the first part of April to be exact. During that time I’ve basically been missing as a writer and editor and other than a couple of much appreciated articles by Ken Starks, FOSS Force has been a silent site.

Without going into too much detail, it started when I fell ill.

Nothing serious, but it zapped me of my energy. I was still able to perform my duties at my “day job” at a local university library, but left me without the energy needed to write and edit the site.

During this period, FOSS Force lost a couple of good volunteer writers who’d written articles for us but which I was unable to edit. Eventually they grew tired of waiting for me to reply to their emails and quit our site. For that, I am most sincerely sorry.

Christine Hall

Christine Hall has been a journalist since 1971. In 2001, she began writing a weekly consumer computer column and started covering Linux and FOSS in 2002 after making the switch to GNU/Linux. Follow her on Twitter: @BrideOfLinux

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